Tivi Designer Jewelry

Fashion Jewelry: Bracelets

TIVI is a collection of personal accessories designed by Paul Lewin and Ryan Wither. Paul and Ryan met sometime ago while studying furniture design at Savannah College of Art & Design. During this time, they came up with a brilliant idea - why don't we design a product that we personally don't use for a target audience who we admittedly know very little about. And so, their first product was launched - a clutch for women. Now they make designer jewelry as well.

silver and bronze cast resin cuff bracelet
Tivi Cairo Cuff
Cuffs are formed from impregnated cast resin and capped with brushed aluminum fittings.

wooden cuff bracelet with floral print
Tivi Lotus Cuff
Wooden cuffs are formed from birch and ebony; silk screened with a a satin lacquer finish.

metallic gray cast resin cuff bracelet
Tivi Moscow Cuff
Cuffs are formed from impregnated cast resin and capped with brushed aluminum fittings.

See more TIVI JEWELRY at tiviwear.com.