With silver being so expensive, I got quite depressed seeing how much wire I've thrown away (in my scrap box) while learning to make jewelry (and even now, when I make something and I don't like it and pull it off afterwards). I've read on Dawanda forums a thread about people showing their Christmas offering, so I thought why not?
I took some of the 5-6 cm wire pieces from the box and made headpins for earrings, and also fished out some Czech glass beads that I had at home for ages and were just getting dusty and forgotten (bought them a few years ago during one of my trips to Czech Republic) and put them together in 5 pairs of Christmas earrings. I left them quite cheap, only 5 Euros a piece, and I think these are perfect gifts to give to friends, coworkers, neighbours or even distant relatives that don't need expensive gifts to be showered with.
If you want to buy the lot and save yourself some Christmas rush and stress headache, they are in my Dawanda shop.