Since I've sold the other set to my dear colleague, I used the green cats-eyes beads I bought today to make another set. Strange how the same, yet so different the two sets look, due to the color. I am not sure which I like best, I think I like both.
Today we spent the day with hubby outside, I went to the local gemshop and spent a fortune there, then we went to the new Ikea (which didn't impress us much), and then we went to eat souvlaki. We got home after 3.30. It was a nice day, it's so seldom that we get to spend some quality time during weekends together, I really enjoyed this outing.

And since I was working on herringbone, here is one I made for myself. Well, unless someone is begging me to sell it *grins*. I only need to add another clasp on it, most probably I will make one tomorrow as the small clasp I put on it takes all my energy on trying to close the darn bracelet. I am not even sure why I actually purchased these tiny little things. Bleah,waste of money and silver.