I can now tick off the not-yet-done list the following:
- making round headpins
- soldering
- oxidizing
Ok, oxidizing I've done before but today is the first time I've actually liked the result. Will post tomorrow pictures of the earrings I've made today and oxidized as there's no longer day light to take good pics.

Soldering - my first stand-alone attempt (I went to a few silversmithing classes a while ago, but I didn't get much out of it, so I've left the course in the middle of it). As I had the soldering stuff out already to make the headpins, I've decided to try my hands at soldering. Cut a tiny piece of solder (which I still have from the above mentioned class) and went ahead and made this little triangle. Well ok, it's not the best piece ever, but hey, it stays in place *grins*, and I know I'll get better and better at it, now that my fear (?) of soldering is gone. I have plenty of silver wire scraps to practice on.
So all on all a good beginning of the week.