I spent almost my whole Saturday wrapping this beautiful carnelian. Once I was underway, the wire just went alone and took the final shape it's in now. I like this one a lot, it's quite elaborate, and as usual in my latest style of wrapping, a lot of silver went into it.
I bought the carnelian tumbled stone in Vienna a few months back when I went for holidays for Easter. I knew it's a carnelian, but until I've started myself with tumbling stones, I didn't know it's an agate type actually. I've learned in the meantimes that while jaspers, for example, are quite opaque, held up against the light, agates are quite translucent at least at the sides. When I took today the photos for this, while I was holding the pendant in my fingers by the chain, it clicked. Hah, I have an agate at hand. Googled, and true enough, carnelian is one of the subcategories of agates. One always learns :)
The whole length including the bail is ~6 cm and 3 at the widest. It comes on a 45 cm silver chain and in a nice gift box.