When hubby sold his car a few months ago and bought a new one, he left his cross in the other car. So recently he asked me to make him a cross. Had no idea what to do, and didn't want to try Iza's tutorial as I still find it a bit intimidating, but today as I was flipping through some books I bought about a year ago from Jessy Donnan, I found a tute for this cross, so I got to work. Rather on the simple side, but I've never done anything like this before, so it was a new experience for me.
Was not sure what hubby would say about it, I was afraid he's say it's too girly, but when saw it, he loved it and got very excited about it. We quickly went down to his car with a longer silver chain and the flush cutter to cut the chain to size, and put the cross in his car right away :D
I've tumbled it a bit before and I must say it's really nice and shiny hanging from behind the mirror :)
I see a few tiny nicks I made with the pliers in the wire, but they are hardly visible with the naked eye.