I took my Koil Kutter and a few silver coils with me, as my father has a dremel and I wanted to learn with his guidance how to cut coils (he is very good with everything technical, he's actually a sort of genious in his field, but about that at another time). To our big and sad surprise, the KK was not working with any of the 2 dremels and one Proxon that my dad had, even though one of them was exactly what Dave said it is working with (the exact model). After carefully measuring, dad told me that the saw, key and everything else is in inches, not in mm, so I got pretty upset that I spent around $100 for nothing. Dad didn't get discouraged and spent most of the day fixing my KK to work with European dremels. He had all the equipment at hand and made it for me, so now I can screw on the KK to my dremel and cut coils without a problem. Without my dad I couldn't have been able to even use the darn thing and most probably would have had to send it back to Dave or something.
Besides this major annoyance, all was well, and finally I could cut my coils much faster than with the jeweler's saw, which is great!
While on holidays, I managed to make a few pendants as I started to already feel withdrawal symptoms without making jewelry. Good that I took some of my tools and silver with me. Here is the result below.