During weekend my creative juices are flowing so nicely, I make things that I enjoy and I know others will too. However during weekdays, nothing really works. I'm dead tired from work (stress, etc), and when I get home I just want to sit on the couch (aka couch potato) and read and watch tv. I don't feel the energy to make any jewelry at all. However if I continue like this, with 'weekend crafting', I'll see my dream of becoming a jewelry designer come true in my next life *grins*.
I really need to push myself to work during weekday evenings as well.
So pushing myself I did today.
I made this pair of chandelier earrings, but they just wouldn't sit right. Something was missing, so eventually I figured there is too much silver and too little (and small) Swarowskis. Unfortunately I don't have bigger ones right now, so I added an additional row of Swaros attached to the first row.

They do look better but I'm still not pleased with them. They just tangle all over the place and don't sit 'tight' as they should.
I just can't create something really special unless it's weekend when I know I am not rushed, no stress from work, just take my time, and go with the flow...