This is my third pendant (see below for the second one *sigh*). Do you see any improvement?
I am actually excited as I kind of like this one. It's all brass wire and some funky beads.
Anyway I was just musing on how we change our perspective of our work once be become better - and even better.
I remember when I made my first 2-3 pairs of earrings. I was totally over the moon, loved them, hey I managed to actually do something wearable! Was very proud of myself. After a dozen or so earrings, I assume I got better, BUT I also got more critical of my work. Now when I create a pair, instead of becoming excited, I become all critical - are the loops equal on both sides? are they wrapped nicely and tight? do the ends stick out? is the earrings form skewed from top to bottom? When I compare my first pair of earrings with the latest ones, I am totally confident that the new ones are better. But at the same time I'm also more disappointed with my work, the excitement of the first is all gone...go figure... I assume my eyes have now the training required to know what to look for, how to find faults immediately...
So I guess the same will hold for the next pendants as well. The better I get, the less excited I get upon finishing an item ...
/ramble mode over, lol.